29 December 2006

phoenix parakeet sanctuharry

... and so as you can sees I was a bit stumped and me I googles Phoenix (yeah like how you never do) and so then I tries the 23rd page (cos that's me lucky number and all the top pages is part of the big bad googly conspiracy to take over everyone's bits and bobs and such) and so then I sees on the googly page a lil' parrot place where the sick birdies they sometimes go to die or somesuch thing and so's I thinks 'well OK - why not me draw a nice perdy parrot face on me blog, comin up from the flames of hell like?' and so I does and OK so the flames isn't much kop like but at least you can sees its a parrot and well, me I think I like it and maybe I think, just maybe someones of you may just be liking it a tiny weeny little bit too, so anyways now you can sees what it does looks like and so here it is, so it is, yes sir, I do declare...


Heartful said...

You are completely out of your tree, but the drawing is great, especially his head.

Pamela said...

Nice to see disturbed teenagers growing up into nicely disturbed adults.

You talk like Hagrid in Harry Potter, which is maybe where the sanctuharry comes from?